Friday, May 15, 2009

Reaping What you Sow

Last spring we ambitiously planted seeds in homemade egg carton starters. The plants grew up tall and spindly and even though we replanted, they all died.

This year, I invested in very cool green starter kits that included biodegradable containers and really fun dirt pellets that expanded when wet.

If nothing else, Justin and Morgan had a wonderful time making the pellets expand and they did a nice job planing their seeds.

Yes, she is wearing her princess swimming suit. After a long winter, don't all Ohioans spend the early part of May just sitting around in their swim suits waiting for spring? They don't? I need to go talk to my husband about something he told me a long time ago. I'll be right back.

Anyway, we planted our seeds in our eco-friendly containers and somehow even managed to take a decent photo of Justin. The biodegradable container proceeded to mold on top of my filing cabinet for a few weeks until the seedlings were just tall and spindly enough that we thought we better plant them.

Tuesday evening we planted our seedlings in pots and in the flower bed. Most of our seeds were flowers, but here you see the apple trees we are attempting to grow with seeds from an apple Justin ate.

While we may not be enjoying bouquets of zinnias or home grown apples any time soon, we will have some great family memories and a better understanding of nature.

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