Saturday, January 8, 2011

Grandma's Cookie Tin

Last fall we lost our Grandma and over the holidays we divided up her few remaining possessions, an exercise full of positive memories. After our Thanksgiving weekend family Christmas, we cleaned off the dining room table and spread out her things. There were jewelry boxes of old watches, pretty little jelly dishes, some antique Christmas decorations and lots of other semi-valuable treasures, but first thing I did was snatch up this old tin.

I have to think that this tin was cherished by Grandma too. After giving away so many of her household items, holding an auction and moving into her second nursing home--this tin was among her few remaining possessions.

Unless there is someone from Antiques Roadshow reading who wants to tell me otherwise, this tin is garage sale fodder---nothing valuable here. But for me this tin was the first thing I looked at in Grandma's kitchen every time we visited. Strategically located on the first piece of counter top inside her kitchen door, this tin was Grandma's cookie jar and was always stocked with Oreos.

I haven't had as much luck keeping it full. Besides this tin, one of Grandma's legacies for me is a wonderful sweet tooth (and I hope, the ability to live disease-free until age 96). I have bought Oreos a few times since I got it, planning to keep it stocked for my family. Unfortunately, my kids and I have eaten all the cookies immediately--before I could even snap a photo for this post.

I'm no health nut but even I know better than to try to keep this tin full of cookies like Grandma did. Instead I'll keep it on my counter for the warm memories and fill it occasionally as a special treat to remember her by.


  1. Very sweet memories - what is really amazing is I have your cookie tin's identical twin currently residing in a box of knick knacks rescued from Grandma Betty's house!! I don't ever remember her using it, but it was always up on the shelves above the basement stairs as a decoration.

  2. Love this. My Grandma had a glass one that I recently declared to my Mom that it's a crime it's sitting on Mom's shelves in the basement instead of out on her kitchen counter.

  3. The tin is gorgeous! My great grandma always had orange slices in a glass bowl on her kitchen table. Now whenever I see orange slices I think of her.


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