Over Memorial Day weekend, when we weren't chasing pigs through the barn or cows down the lane, we thought it would be nice to get away for an afternoon of summer fun.
So we headed over to
Hueston Woods State Park to the beach on
man made Acton Lake.

If you are looking for a summer hot spot that offers pristine sandy beaches, high class amenities, crystal clear waters, good smells, and people wearing appropriate swim attire, then this is NOT the place for you.

But guess what, we had a great little redneck holiday and the kids LOVED the sand.
While we were the only family unit on the beach who didn't have at least one adult, child, dog or granny with a tattoo, people were friendly. For instance, when I laid down on our beach blanket, they didn't splash water on my thighs and try to drag me back in the water to rejoin my pod.
I guess it was a classy place after all.
This is our first time on your blog. Love keeping up with the family. By the way, you spelled "Hueston" wrong, we should know, we live there. It's 1,000,000,000,000 Degrees.
The Texas Gesoff's